I’ve been a fan of cars since I was a kid. Before I got my first job, I spent all of my free time in the garage of our family home working on our old station wagon. It wasn’t until later that I realized how much fun it is to work on an electric vehicle. These days, most people think about electric vehicles as being good for commuting or local errands – but with the right techniques, they can be great for road trips too! In this guide, we’ll cover everything from charging the right way to maximizing range using some simple tricks and accessories.
Charging The Right Way
- Charging at home
As you’ll learn later, there are many benefits to charging at home. But if your electricity is generated by coal or natural gas, it’s not as green as you might think. That said, if your car is plugged into an outlet that’s powered by renewable energy (like solar), then this method is ideal for all EVs–and especially so for those with larger batteries like the Tesla Model S or Chevy Bolt EV because they require more power to charge fully than smaller ones do.
- Charging at work
Many workplaces offer free charging stations for their employees and guests alike; just check with HR before assuming this will be available! If yours doesn’t have any yet but wants some installed onsite for employee use only (or even just one), contact a company like EV Connections LLC which specializes in installing electric vehicle charging stations anywhere from warehouses all the way up through corporate headquarters buildings.*
Planning Your Route
Now that you’ve got your electric car and are ready to hit the road, it’s time to start planning your route. There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing where and when you’ll be driving:
- Plan your route in advance. If possible, avoid charging during peak times at public charging stations or at home if it means using an outlet that could otherwise be used by someone else. This will help reduce congestion on charging stations and make them more efficient overall!
- Use fast chargers whenever possible; they’re much faster than level 2 chargers (which still charge quite quickly). Level 1 chargers are also quite slow compared with other options available today; however, they’re usually free which makes them great options for long-distance trips where efficiency isn’t as important as cost savings!
Using The Right Type of Battery
The type of battery that you choose depends on what kind of car you own and how far you plan to drive.
For example, if you are driving a long-range car and want to drive across the country, then a lithium-ion battery is better than nickel metal hydride (NiMH) or lead acid batteries because it can hold more charge at higher temperatures. This means that it will last longer on your journey without having to stop for recharging as often as other types of batteries would require in similar conditions.
However, if all that matters is getting from point A to point B with minimal stops along the way–and this includes cold weather–then lead acid may be better suited for your needs because these batteries tend not only take less time but also cost less than others do when replacing them after years of use due their longevity in cold environments like Alaska where temperatures drop below zero degrees Celsius during winter months!
Maximizing Range
Maximizing range is the most important aspect of your electric car road trip. There are a few things you can do to ensure that your vehicle has the maximum amount of juice for its journey:
- Use the right type of battery. The type of battery used in an electric car determines how far it can go on a single charge, so be sure that the one in your ride is up-to-date with current technology.
- Use the right type of charger and plan your route accordingly. Depending on where you’re headed, there may be charging stations along the way where you can “fill up” again before continuing on your journey–or maybe not! Either way, having multiple charging options available means less worry about running out of juice at any point during a trip (or even just getting stuck somewhere). If nothing else works out as planned and there aren’t any convenient charging stations nearby when our batteries get low on power (or worse yet…), then we have some backup plans up our sleeves: onboard chargers and accessories such as portable solar panels which give us more flexibility while still allowing us access into areas without electricity infrastructure available yet.”
Onboard Charging Options and Accessories
The onboard charger is the most important part of your electric vehicle (EV), and it’s also the most versatile. Most EVs can be fully charged in about six hours with a level 2 charger plugged into an outlet at home or work. In addition to being able to use this type of charger at home or work, many EV owners have installed charging stations on their property so they can charge while they sleep or work–and even while they’re on vacation!
If you’re looking for a new way to power up your EV, consider installing a solar panel array that will generate enough energy during daylight hours to power your car during off-peak hours when electricity rates are lower than usual (usually between midnight and 6 am).
Other Ways To Improve Performance
- Use a higher voltage. If your car’s battery is rated at 48V, try using a 72V charger instead. It will charge your car faster and improve performance.
- Use a more powerful charger that can handle charging at high voltages (e.g., 240V). You can find these online for about $100-$200 USD or less depending on how much power they output, but make sure that they’re compatible with your vehicle!
- Use an adapter to plug in to a 240V outlet if you don’t have access to one at home or work–they range from $50-$350 USD depending on the amount of power they output
An electric car can be a great road trip vehicle, but you’ll have to know the tricks.
An electric car can be a great road trip vehicle, but you’ll have to know the tricks.
Electric cars are more efficient than gas vehicles and environmentally friendly, so they’re a good choice for long road trips. They’re also quiet and smooth, which makes them fun to drive. Plus they have lots of torque–you can accelerate quickly in an electric car!
But there are some things you need to know before taking your EV on the highway:
We hope you’ve learned a lot from this article, and are ready to take your first electric car road trip! If you have any questions or concerns about your own vehicle’s performance on long journeys, feel free to contact us at [email protected].
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