February 12, 2025

Randee Srnsky

Eco Friendly Automotive

A Complete Guide to Successful Car Engine Maintenance

A Complete Guide to Successful Car Engine Maintenance


If you want to get the most out of your car, it’s important to learn how to do maintenance and repairs yourself. This can be intimidating for some people, but it doesn’t have to be!

A Complete Guide to Successful Car Engine Maintenance

The Different Parts of the Car Engine

The engine is the most important part of your car and it’s made up of many parts that work together to power your vehicle.

The engine is an internal combustion engine, which means it burns fuel with oxygen to produce heat energy that turns into mechanical force used to power the wheels and other components. This process requires air, fuel and spark plugs in order for your car’s motor to run properly!

The four main components of an internal combustion engine include: pistons (which move up and down), connecting rods (that connect those pistons), crankshaft (which rotates around), camshafts (which control timing).

How to Check the Oil Level of Your Car Engine

Make sure to check the oil level of your car engine at least once a month. It’s best to check it when the engine is cold, but you can also do it when it’s warmed up if you’d like. When checking your oil level, make sure that you’re doing so on a level surface so that any errors in measurement will be minimal. It’s also important that you check this first thing in the morning before starting up your vehicle–this will help prevent any incorrect readings due to condensation buildup inside the reservoir cap or dipstick tube during driving hours.

How to Change the Engine Oil of Your Car

The engine oil is one of the most important fluids in your car. It lubricates all moving parts inside your engine and keeps them cool, which helps to reduce wear on those parts. The oil filter catches any dirt or debris that might get into the motor and cause damage to internal components. To ensure you’re changing your car’s oil when it needs it, there are a few simple checks you can perform:

  • Check the dipstick to see if there’s enough oil in the crankcase (the part of an engine where oil collects). If necessary, add more with fresh motor oil until it reaches its full mark on the dipstick; this will usually require about 4 quarts per change.* Remove old filters by unscrewing them counterclockwise until they come off entirely; dispose of these properly so they aren’t accidentally reused or recycled at some point in time by mistake! They should be replaced every 15k miles.* Once everything else has been taken care of properly during installation process described above–and once new filter assembly has been installed according to instructions given above–it’s now safe for vehicle owner himself/herself start up car again so long as no other issues arise during process itself like leaking fluid from bottom end due poor sealing between sections (which would mean needing replacement part soon).

How to Replace a Headlight Bulb in Your Car

To replace a headlight bulb, you’ll need:

  • A socket wrench.
  • The old headlight bulb.

To remove the old bulb: 1) Turn off your car’s engine and all accessories (radio, air conditioning). 2) Open the hood by pressing down on either end of it with both hands, then pulling up until it locks into place with a click or pop sound. 3) Unscrew each of the two screws that hold in place over your new headlight assembly (one on each side), using your socket wrench set at about 30 pounds per square inch (PSI). 4) Remove those two brackets by hand; they should come right out if there was no corrosion or rust buildup underneath them during use–in which case you may need to spray WD-40 under them first before attempting removal.* 5) Take out whatever wires are attached inside this compartment so as not to cut yourself when installing new bulbs later.* 6)* Carefully pull out both halves of whatever plastic housing holds together these parts; some may have screws holding them together while others might require prying apart manually with pliers.* 7)* Once separated from each other completely without breaking anything else inside like wiring harnesses etc., grab hold onto one half firmly while twisting slightly back-and-forth until it comes free from its mounting point inside where

How to Check and Refill Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) in Your Car

How to Check and Refill Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) in Your Car

If you’re using a manual transmission, this is not the section for you. We cover that later on. For now, let’s talk about automatic transmissions. The ATF should be checked periodically (depending on your vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations) and refilled when necessary. The level should be checked with the engine off and cold; otherwise it may read low even if there’s plenty of fluid in there!

When checking your transmission fluid level:

  • Make sure all of the air bubbles have been removed from the dipstick before reinserting it into its holder at an angle so that any excess fluid drains back into its reservoir instead of dripping onto hot surfaces or onto yourself! Seriously–don’t burn yourself by getting careless here! You may need help from someone else who knows what they’re doing if this seems too complicated for you right now; just make sure they know what they’re doing too before trusting them with such an important task like checking transmission levels (you could easily get burned).

If possible, try not doing this procedure while wearing shorts either; I’ll explain why later when we discuss refilling transmission fluids below…

When to Replace Your Spark Plugs, Wires, and Cap

You can tell when it’s time to replace your spark plugs, wires and cap if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • You hear a misfiring sound coming from your engine. This is an indication that the spark plugs have worn out or become corroded and need replacing.
  • Your car is running rough and you have trouble starting it in the morning. A rough idle could be caused by faulty ignition components such as old or worn-out wires and/or a weak battery (which will also need replacing).
  • You notice oil leaking onto the ground under the hood of your car, indicating that there may be leakage somewhere within your fuel delivery system–an indication that it might be time for some new parts!

If you know how to do car maintenance yourself, you can save money.

  • You can save money on labor costs.
  • You can save money on parts.
  • You can save money on gas.
  • You can save time and stress by doing your own car maintenance, which means you’ll no longer have to worry about getting stranded with a broken down car when you’re far away from home or work!


Hopefully, this article has given you a better idea of how to maintain your car’s engine. It is important to remember that if something goes wrong with your vehicle, do not panic! Take a deep breath and think about what could be causing it before calling for help or taking it into an auto shop. By taking care of your vehicle on a regular basis through simple checks like checking tire pressure and oil levels every month or so (or weekly if necessary), you’ll be able to avoid costly repairs down the road when something breaks unexpectedly like replacing spark plugs which can cause serious damage if not replaced in time